zondag 11 januari 2009

The Dreaming mind

Sometimes I dream about a similar thing that I experience the next day.

The practical-scientific and "provable" theory would be that the brain is extremely good at predicting what 'you' will do the next day and dreams about it appropriately.
But how does it predict this? Does it run a sort of program and iterates all kinds of possibilities? Or does it connect to some time-matrix and 'visit' different possible futures?
Well, when you think about it, is there actually any difference? I tend to think there's no difference, only the words are different.

I think there will always be a point, where we currently (aka NOW) can't 'see' or sense any further, like atoms, we can't really see them, only sense them or predict them through a mathematical formula or theory, like Quantum Theory.
What I'm aiming at is that the point where it all fades into 'emptiness' or stillness it's a Stargate, a single point, that is at that NOW an acceptable and satisfying thing in time and needs no change, change will come to it.

So whether something is 'graspable' or practically provable from a scientific establishment or it is something I conjure up in my head and think it's much more magical and thus more attractive, are actually two sides of the same coin and are not really separate at all, one side is just a more 'acceptable' version of the truth, but maybe not as Truthful, but Practical none the less. They are both just tendrils or threads of the same reality.

Before I forget check this out: (NU means NOW in Dutch.)

Music and Video by MondoLeone (Leon Giessen)
I will get a tile like this in my bathroom one day :)

Also check this, from the same Leon:
I could translate it, but I think it doesn't need words, just great music.

When I take the train from Utrecht to Den Bosch, I always sit on the left side. Because of this...

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